About cross cultural working

Many companies offer their employees language courses to overcome language barriers in international collaboration and to avoid misunderstandings. However, good cooperation requires much more than just speaking the language well. It is about a common understanding as the basis for successful collaboration.
This is exactly where XculturalWorking comes in.

If there is no agreement on the basic principles, it is pointless to make plans together."  (Konfuzius)

As an open-minded, solution-oriented trainer and moderator with strong communication skills, I will show you ways in which you can use strategies to better deal with difficult (intercultural) situations, to better understand your counterpart and thus to build a solid basis of trust.
You want to know more about me, just follow this link.

 XculturalWorking follows thereby the following approach:
Our intercultural trainings help you to understand why some conversation situations or the cooperation in an intercultural team bring difficulties and friction losses. Exercises and practical examples help you to learn more about yourself, to open up and expand your mindset and skills so that you are able to look at unusual, difficult or foreign situations from different perspectives, analyse them and react accordingly.
The needs of our clients are very different. We respond to this in a targeted way. In addition to group training, we also offer individual training and 1:1 coaching. If required, we also facilitate workshops, e.g. as a team-building measure.


Is an intercultural training an option for me?
If you work in a global team, lead an international project team or have a lot to do with international business partners and situations arise again and again that make it difficult to work together, then XculturalWorking is the right place for you. Perhaps you have already asked yourself one of the following questions:
- Why do my foreign employees not keep to schedules and goals despite clear communication?
- Why does my business partner take so long to sign the contract?
- Why did we fail to meet our targets in international projects, cross-border product launches or within our global production processes again and again?
- What do I have to do differently so that my foreign colleagues understand me better?
- How can I better manage the recurring conflicts in my international team?
- What should I consider if I want to go abroad as an expatriate?

If these or similar questions move you, then we can support you with our sustainable, tailor-made training, learning and facilitation concepts and improve your intercultural awareness. But what exactly does cultural awareness mean? What is behind it and how can it be implemented in everyday (business) life?  XculturalWorking helps to find answers.
You want to know more about our services, just follow this link.